Marvel Comics The Timely Years 1939-1949
by Brad C Bishop
Publisher - BookBaby
Category - Comics
Marvel Comics started in 1939 when a magazine publisher named Martin Goodman first published his first comic book titled, of course, Marvel Comics. Over the next decade, Goodman's company, then identified as Timely Comics, would publish over 1200 comic book issues containing not just superhero stories, but funny animals, teen humor, romance and westerns. This book looks at each of those issues (or as many as could be found) and the over 300 characters created and featured in those issues. It looks at how those characters evolved over the years and how the events and culture of the times affected the stories. It is for anyone interested in the origins of superheroes like Captain America or Namor the Sub-Mariner or such characters as Patsy Walker, the Two-Gun Kid, Millie the Model and even Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal!
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